Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERA LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo edit( SETUPSTR862R' Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb( _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A C:\CONFIG.SYSb C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT IsSpryAppRunninga AWCOMDLG.DLLa Setup cannot continue because a running SPRY application a9 has been detected. Please close the application and run $ Setup again. Setup will now terminate. FILES2 The FILES= statement in your CONFIG.SYS file is set to a a value which is less than 50. For proper installation, Setup recommends that you $ change this setting to FILES=50 or higher. Would you like Setup to make the recommended change and $ reboot your computer for you? FILESA2 Setup has made the recommended change to the b file. Setup also created a backup of the original file in a- the same directory and has given it the name $ . If you should need to revert back $ to the previous settings, simply delete the current $ CONFIG.SYS file and rename this backup to CONFIG.SYS $ using DOS or any file management utility. Setup will now reboot your system. Once this is $ complete, you can run Setup again. SpryComponents EmailComponents LinkApplications! system32 WINSOCK.DLLR WINSOCK.DLL| data.1 data.z av\ccscan\*.* av\common\*.* av\webscan\*.* av\ccscan\win16\*.* av\common\win16\*.* av\webscan\win16\*.* av\ccscan\win32\*.* av\common\win32\*.* av\webscan\win32\*.* av\ccscan\win16\*.* av\common\win16\*.* av\common\win32\*.* av\webscan\win32\*.* Anti-VirusB Anti-VirusA Software to protect your system from computer viruses that may be contained in files downloaded from the Internet or attached to application data.! browser\bin\common\*.* browser\bin\english\*.* browser\windows\*.* Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet ConnectionB Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Software to explore and/or connect to the Internet.` Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA browser\bin\airmos16\*.* browser\data\*.* Web BrowserB Web BrowserA Software to explore the World Wide Web and other information resources.! browser\bin\ibox\*.* browser\bin\ppp\*.* browser\bin\switch\*.* browser\bin\wsock16\*.* browser\tcp\*.* Dial-Up Internet ConnectionB Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Software to connect to the Internet through your computer's modem.! Pegasus MailB Pegasus MailA Software to allow the exchange of Electronic Mail with other computer users on the Internet.` Pegasus MailA email\*.*! Pegasus Mail Core Program FilesB Pegasus Mail Core Program FilesA Main program files needed to exchange Electronic Mail with Internet users. The E-Mail component will not work without this being selected.! email\resource\*.* Resource TablesB Resource TablesA Additional software and information allowing you to modify advanced features of the E-Mail program.! email\forms\*.* Sample FormsB Sample FormsA Additional software and information allowing you to customize the E-Mail program. May require programming knowledge.! email\udg\*.* User-Defined GatewaysB User-Defined GatewaysA Additional software and information allowing you to setup your own e-mail transport system. Requires programming knowledge Anti-VirusA Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Web BrowserA Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Pegasus MailA Pegasus Mail Core Program FilesA Resource TablesA Sample FormsA User-Defined GatewaysA Anti-VirusA Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Web BrowserA Dial-Up Internet ConnectionA Pegasus MailA Pegasus Mail Core Program FilesA Resource TablesA Sample FormsA User-Defined GatewaysA Impossible setup type selected, please retry.A You have not selected any components to install a3 on this computer. Setup will not be able continue $ with these settings. Please correct this $ situation by choosing to install at least one $ product component or by clicking cancel to quit $ the Setup program. Pegasus Mail! Pegasus Mail Core Program Files! You have choosen to install an E-Mail subcomponent a but have not selected the $ Pegasus Mail Core Program Files$ component. If this is a new installation, you $ will not be able to use E-Mail until this is $ installed. Are you sure you wish to proceed with $ this configuration? Confirm Configuration( Anti-Virus! Web Browser! SPRY Mosaic (WebScan, NetLauncher, Mosaic in a Box)A Dial-Up Internet Connection! Configure Internet Connection Settings$ Setup will configure the SPRY Winsock Switcher to a- allow you to alternate between your existing $ Internet connection and the new one. Please $ select which type you wish to use by default. Original Internet connection software2/ SPRY Internet connection software (modem)2 You have choosen to install the a Dial-Up Internet Connection$ software onto a computer $ which does not appear to have an existing $ connection to the Internet. Setup will $ configure your system to only use the new $ connection software. If you are already able to connect to the $ Internet, allowing this may disable your $ existing software. Therefore, if you are unsure $ of your current settings, it is recommended that $ you permit Setup to perform an exhaustive $ secondary search of your system for connection $ software. Configure Internet Connection Settings$ Please choose whether to perform a comprehensive a. search for an existing Internet connection or $ specify the current connection capability of $ your system. Perform search - I do not know if I have another connection.2 Skip search - I know I do not have another connection.2 Bypass search - I know I have another connection.2 WINSOCK.DLLR An existing Internet connection was located on a/ your system. Setup will configure your system $ to use the new connection software while $ preserving previous capabilities. No other Internet connection software was a. located on your system. Setup will configure $ your system to only use the new connection $ software. Browser\Bin User Information:A Name: $ Company: $ Target Directory:A Selected Components - TYPICAL:A Selected Components - COMPACT:A Selected Components - CUSTOM:A Anti-Virus! Anti-Virus Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet Connection! Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet Connection Pegasus Mail! Pegasus Mail Anti-Virus! Link to Applications:A Dial-Up Internet Connection! Default Internet Connection:A Original Internet connection software SPRY Internet connection software (modem) Place Internet Connection files in:A Program Folder:A data.z Copying common WebScan files... LICENSE.TXT README.1ST WHATSNEW.TXT PACKING.LST VALIDATE.EXE *.dll WCmdr\*.* Anti-Virus! Copying a Anti-Virus$ files... av\webscan\*.* Lotus cc:Mail! av\ccscan\ini\*.* av\ccscan\*.* av\common\win16\*.* av\common\*.* Lotus cc:Mail! av\ccscan\win16\*.* av\common\win16\*.* av\webscan\win16\*.* Lotus cc:Mail! av\ccscan\win32\*.* av\common\win32\*.* av\webscan\win32\*.* Lotus cc:Mail! av\ccscan\win16\*.* av\common\win16\*.* av\common\win32\*.* av\webscan\win32\*.* Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet Connection! Copying common files...% Browser\Bin browser\bin\common\*.* Browser\Bin\English browser\bin\english\*.* Browser\Bin browser\bin\english\*.* Browser\Windows browser\windows\*.* Web Browser! Copying a Web Browser$ files... Browser\Bin browser\bin\airmos16\*.* Browser\Data browser\data\*.* Dial-Up Internet Connection! Copying a Dial-Up Internet Connection$ files... Browser\Bin browser\bin\ibox\*.* Browser\Bin browser\bin\ppp\*.* Browser\Bin browser\bin\switch\*.* Browser\Bin browser\bin\wsock16\*.* Browser\TCP browser\tcp\*.* Pegasus Mail! Copying a Pegasus Mail$ files... EMail email\*.* Anti-Virus! av\common\win16\*.* EMail av\webscan\win16\*.* Resource Tables! EMail\Resource email\resource\*.* Sample Forms! EMail\Forms email\forms\*.* User-Defined Gateways! EMail\UDG email\udg\*.* WCmdr.ini Run unInstallShield% CmdTypea CmdProgb WCmdr.exe \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a WebScanUnInstallQ UninstallStringA Dial-Up Internet Connection! Delete WINSOCK.DLL% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WINSOCK.DLL% Filenameb' Delete WINSOCK.LAN% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WINSOCK.LAN% Filenameb' Delete WINSOCK.PPP% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WINSOCK.PPP% Filenameb' Delete WINSOCK.OLD% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WINSOCK.OLD% Filenameb' Delete WINSOCK.BAK% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WINSOCK.BAK% Filenameb' Browser\Bin WINSOCK.DLLa WINSOCK.LAN WINSOCK.1STR WINSOCK.DLLa WINSOCK.1ST Restore Original WinSock% CmdTypea RenameFile% WINSOCK.1ST% SourceFileb' WINSOCK.DLL% TargetFileb' Browser\Bin SWITCH.*a WINSOCK.LANa WINSOCK.PPPa WINSOCK.LANa WINSOCK.DLL, WINSOCK.PPPa WINSOCK.DLL Serializing files...% Browser\Bin *.EXE% AIRMOS.INI MOSAIC.EXE( InsStampFileb InsGetSerialNumberISb Installa InstallSerialR Abouta SerialNumberb Installa Serializing files... *.DLL@ InsStampFileb Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet Connection! Browser\Windows \SOFTWARE\McAfeea RegisteredOwnerA \SOFTWARE\McAfeea RegisteredOrganizationA Web Browser & Dial-Up Internet Connection! Anti-Virus! Linking WebScan AV to Applications% Internet Explorer for Windows 95! Run Registry Editor% IEWebOff.reg CmdTypea CmdProga regedit.exe% CmdArgsb Say OK To Registry Editor% CmdTypea SendMessage% ClassNamea #32770% WindowNamea Registry Editor% Messagea Command% wParama IEWebOff.reg} IEWebOn.reg} Pegasus Mail! EMail WEBSCAN.EXEa WEBSCN16.EXE Delete WEBSCN16.EXE File% CmdTypea DeleteFile% WEBSCN16.EXE% Filenameb' WebScan Program Notes% WHATSNEW.TXT$ NOTEPAD.EXE b' McAfee Contact Information% README.1ST$ NOTEPAD.EXE b' Licensing Information% LICENSE.TXT$ NOTEPAD.EXE b' Anti-Virus! Lotus cc:Mail! cc_Mail Configuration Manager% AV\CCS_CFG.EXE cc_Scan% AV\CCSCAN.EXE StartUpb Dial-Up Internet Connection! SPRY Dialer% Browser\Bin\AIRDIAL.EXE Browser\Bin Internet Access Phonebook% Browser\Bin\PHONEDIR.EXE Browser\Bin SPRY Winsock Switcher% SWITCH.EXE SPRY Account Creation Utility% Browser\Bin% REGISTER.EXE Browser\Bin Web Browser! SPRY Mosaic% Browser\Bin\AIRMOS.EXE Browser\Bin Pegasus Mail! Pegasus Mail% EMail\WINPMAIL -A EMail Changes Made$ To store configuration information, Setup has made a6 modifications to the file(s) listed below. Setup has $ also made a backup for any file which was updated. The modified file(s) were:b# The backup(s) are:b$ Setup has finished installing the product onto your computer. Your system is ready to use the new components. Dial-Up Internet Connection! You will need to configure the secondary Internet a5 connection (SPRY) at a later time. Launch the "SPRY $ Account Creation Utility" icon in the $ program folder to accomplish this. Dial-Up Internet Connection! You will now have to configure your system to connect to a7 the Internet. Once complete, you will be ready to use $ the newly installed components. Your system is now ready to use the newly installed a6 components. However, any features which depend on an $ Internet connection may not work until one is added to $ your computer. Please click Finish to complete the setup process. Installation Completeb Browser\Bin REGISTER.EXEa airinst.ini AirInsta commandb AirInsta option1b AirInsta option2b AirInsta donea AIRINST.EXE3 AirInsta done2 AirInsta result2 WIN.INI Pegasus Mail! Anti-Virus! WEBSCN16.EXE /BUSY WebScana scannerb Web Browser! Browser\Bin\airmos.exe WebScana browserb Web Browser! Browser\Bin\mosrun.exe ^.web Extensionsa Browser\Bin PATHb AIRMOS.INI Maina HomePagea Browser\Bin\Cache Document Cachinga Disk Cache Directoryb Browser\Bin\AIRMOS.EXE TOOLSa Mosaicb Pegasus Mail! Email\WINPMAIL.EXE -a TOOLSa Mailb Browser\Bin\AIRNEWS.EXE TOOLSa Newsb Hotlist b Hotlistsb Browser\Data% HotListsb AIRWIN.INI Browser\TCP% hosts CONSOLEa Hostsb Browser\Data CONSOLEa DataDirectoryb Browser\Data\SPRY.ALS Maila AliasFileb Browser\Data\Mail Maila folder_pathb Browser\Bin\AIRMOS.EXE TOOLSa Mosaicb Pegasus Mail! Email\WINPMAIL -a TOOLSa Mailb REMOTE.INI Browser\TCP MAINa TransportFilesb Setup is now scanning for installed Applications SPRY Mosaic (WebScan, NetLauncher, Mosaic in a Box)A America OnlineA Lotus cc:MailA Internet ExplorerA Internet Explorer for Windows 95A Netcom NetCruiserA Netscape Navigator, 16-bitA Netscape Navigator, 32-bitA Application Detection Failed$ Setup did not detect any applications installed on your a* system which it is capable of protecting. WebScan installation will continue, however you may need $ to manually configure your applications to use WebScan $ protection. Please see the installation guide for more information. Installed Applications Found$ Please indicate which of the following known a7 application(s) you would like WebScan to automatically $ protect from viruses. Confirm Configuration$ You have chosen to install the Anti-Virus component a4 of WebScan but not protect any of your applications $ from viruses. Setup recommends selecting at least $ one application to protect. Are you sure you wish $ Setup to proceed with this configuration? SPRY Mosaic (WebScan, NetLauncher, Mosaic in a Box)! America Online! Lotus cc:Mail! Internet Explorer! Internet Explorer for Windows 95! Netcom NetCruiser! Netscape Navigator, 16-bit! Netscape Navigator, 32-bit! application/msdos-windowsA .exeA Application Files (*.EXE)A application/mswordA .doc,.dotA doc,dotA Word Documents (*.DOC, *.DOT)A application/octet-streamA .exe,.sys,.binA exe,sys,binA Application Files (*.EXE, *.SYS, *.BIN)A application/octet-stringA .exe,.sys,.binA exe,sys,binA Application Files (*.EXE, *.SYS, *.BIN)A application/x-msdownloadA .exe,.sys,.binA exe,sys,binA Application Files (*.EXE, *.SYS, *.BIN)A application/x-zip-compressedA .zip,.arc,.arjA zip,arc,arjA Compressed Files (*.ZIP, *.ARC, *.ARJ)A application/zipA .zip,.arc,.arjA zip,arc,arjA Compressed Files (*.ZIP, *.ARC, *.ARJ)A AIRMOS.INI WIN.INI WAOLa AppPathR WIN.INI cc:Maila ProgramPathR IEXPLORE.INI .Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer! Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer! NETCOM.INI WIN.INI Netscapea .Default\Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator! Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator! AIRMOS.INI WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE %s SPRY Mosaic (WebScan, NetLauncher, Mosaic in a Box)b WIN.INI WAOLa AppPathR VIEWERS.INI WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE America Onlineb Linking to a Lotus cc:Mail AV\ccs_cfg.exe IEXPLORE.INI WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE %s Internet Explorerb WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE /MSIE32 "%1" %* Internet Explorer for Windows 95b NETCOM.INI WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE Netcom NetCruiserb WIN.INI& Netscapea WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE Netscape Navigator, 16-bitb \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator% WEBSCAN.EXE /SAVE Netscape Navigator, 32-bitb Linking to b Linking to b Linking to b Linking to b Linking to b TYPEb TYPEb TYPEb TYPEb Viewersb Viewersb Suffixesb Mime Typeb Extensionsb Viewersb Viewersb Viewersb Suffixesb Encodingsb binary HowToPresentb \Viewers \ViewersQ \SuffixesQ Linking to b \shell \open \command WebScan InstalledA WebScan InstalledA WebScan Installed2 Old DefaultA WebScan InstalledA Old Default2 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\b HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\b IEWebOff.reg% IEWebOn.reg% b $ b $ Custom Removal Commandsa NumCommands2 Commandb Custom Removal Commandsb Custom Removal Commandsa NumCommandsb Replace b value CmdTypea EditINI# SubCommanda DelKey, SubCommanda Replace INIFileb INISectionb INIKeyb INIValueb INIOldValueb _USR_SdMessageBox1! ResultA SdMessageBox! ResultA _USR_SdMessageBox3! ResultA SdMessageBox! ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA _USR_SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA _USR_SdLicense2! ResultA ResultA _USR_SdAskYesNoCancel! ResultA SdMessageBox! ResultA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A McAfeea! McAfee WebScan v1.04 - Evaluationa 1.04a webscan.exe \SOFTWARE\McAfee RegisteredOwnerR RegisteredOrganizationR \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion RegisteredOwnerR RegisteredOrganizationR WIN.INI MS User Infoa DefNameR MS User Infoa DefCompanyR McAfee% WebScan System McAfee WebScan Components Confirm Installation Settings$ Setup has enough information to begin copying %P files to a> your computer and complete the installation. Listed below is $ a summary of the changes setup will make to your system. If you want to review or change any of these settings, $ please press BACK now. If you are satisfied with the $ settings, press NEXT to proceed with the file transfer. WebScan Preparing file transfer... Migrating Data...d Configuring System...% \AV\webscan.exe Creating Program Folder and Icons...( unInstall WebScanb A severe error has occured which caused the installation a: to abort. Please correct the problem and rerun the Setup $ program. Installation complete. McAfee WebScan v1.04 - Evaluation Arial$ McAfee WebScan v1.04 - Evaluationa Setup McAfee.BMP6 BACKGRD.BMP6 Display License Agreement) license.*R McAfee Software License Agreement Display Welcome Screen Perform File Transfer! Setup needs you to insert the next disk into the a+ drive to complete the installation process. The target directory cannot be created: Make sure that the directory you chose to install to $ does not contain any invalid characters and that you $ have the proper access right to create it. Setup $ cannot continue. Unable to locate a required file in the distribution a6 library (DATA.*). The library may be damaged. Setup $ cannot continue. An generic unknown error occured while installing the a* application files. Setup cannot continue. The disk inserted into the drive was not the disk a4 Setup requested. Please insert the correct disk to $ continue. Setup cannot launch an intermediate file needed to a5 proceed with the installation. Files may be missing $ or damaged. Setup cannot continue. An error occured while copying or decompressing the a6 application files. The source media may be damaged. $ Setup cannot continue. Unable to locate a file in the packaging list. Setup a6 cannot determine where a source file is located. The $ file SETUP.PKG may be damaged or missing. Setup $ cannot continue. An unknown error #b occured while $ installing the application files. Setup cannot $ continue. Check Enough Space! The target location, "b ", does not have $ the required %ld bytes available for installation. Please free additional space, change the target location $ to a different disk, or remove a component from being $ installed. Setupb WebScanUnInstallA McAfee WebScan v1.04 - Evaluation 3.00.071